💸 Support Our Spooky Celebration! 💀

Hello, Halloween Enthusiasts!

Every year, we pour our hearts (and a few ghoulish surprises) into creating a fun, festive Halloween party for everyone to enjoy. While we absolutely love hosting this event and making it bigger and better each year, we’ve had a few people ask how they can contribute beyond the usual bottled water or candy donations.

This year, if you’d like to lend a hand, we’ve added a way for you to contribute in a monetary way! Your donations will go towards making the party extra special—whether it's more prizes for the scavenger hunt, fun decorations, or adding a new spooky touch to the festivities.

How to Donate:

  • Preferred: You can send any contributions directly via Venmo to @Thomas-Webb-5 (last four digits in his phone number are 5486).
  • Online Tip: If you'd prefer to use a card, we’ve set up a tip feature through our website (via Stripe) for easy donations here.

We’re so grateful for any support, but please know that contributing is completely optional! Your presence at the party is the most important thing to us, and we want everyone to have a frightfully good time no matter what.

Thank you for helping keep the spooky spirit alive! 🎃👻